August 19, 2014 at 3:16 am

Picture of the Day: Creative Mom Turns Lemons Into Lemonade

by twistedsifter

mother improves child's scribble on wall

Photographer Unknown via National Art Society on Facebook


“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”


A creative mom makes the best of a bad situation when her child drew all over the wall. Although they may not learn their lesson if they see their scribbles turn into something so beautiful! In fact, it may ‘inspire’ further wall drawings 🙂

I was unable to find the original source of this photo but it was recently posted by the National Art Society on Facebook and later shared on Reddit. An earlier post from this year on 22 Words showed the images before they were placed side by side, but no source was provided.



picture of the day button Picture of the Day: Creative Mom Turns Lemons Into Lemonade