
What is Tilt-Shift Photography?

miniature scene What is Tilt Shift Photography?

Tilt-Shift photography is a technique often used to create that miniature scene feel. You know that feeling [of superiority] when you’re…playing with micro-machines, or holding those tiny bottles of liquor, or reading Gulliver’s Travels? Well tilt-shift photography can achieve that look with life-size locations and/or objects through the use of special lenses and camera movements; or you can fake it using Adobe Photoshop.

Below is a collection of images and videos using this popular technique. It can make photographs very interesting and visually stunning, but like all techniques, can be overdone and over-stylized (e.g., lens flares and HDR photography).

Photograph by Vincent Laforet

Photograph by Pattagon

Photograph by Ben Thomas

Photograph by therealjasonruff

Photograph by B Tal

Photograph by ArnarBi

Photograph by Wakeboy

Photograph by Carmel Kozlov

Photograph by baldheretic

Photograph by baldheretic

For a great step-by-step guide to achieving the tilt-shift photography effect in Photoshop, Click Here
For a rather technical explanation of tilt-shift photography and how to achieve the effect using special lenses and camera movements, Click Here
For some more great examples of tilt-shift photography, Click Here and Here

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