April 26, 2013 at 9:49 am

The Shirk Report – Volume 211

by twistedsifter


Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find the 25 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles typically originate from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from a variety of sources. Any suggestions? Send a note to submit@twistedsifter.com!



Good morning
An unfortunately placed shadow from Thor’s hammer makes Stan Lee look like he peed himself
This kid is going to do great things when he grows up
Did… did you just print that out and put it there?
Hungry hungry hippo
Jet engine trick shot
Sinkholes are terrifying
Vodka shots will never be the same
All ceiling fans should be converted into helicopters immediately
Hey girl
That guy
The running of the bulls
A drawn out fall
This guys eyes are actually closed and his eyelids are tattooed
Look ma no hands!
Cow art done with paint
Tilt your head 90 degrees clockwise to see how it was done
– Yu Darvish shows why batting is so hard: Five pitches overlaid | curve balls at various speeds (thx for sharing Hally P!)
Simple and effective
Clearance. It matters
Spotted at a construction site
Couple gets in a fight. Guy puts up a barrier
You never forget your first taste of real power



6 New Kinds of Anxiety the Internet Gave Us
The Most Hilarious Abandoned Websites
The 11 Most Mystifying Things the Tsarnaev Brothers Did
Modern art was CIA ‘weapon’
Why are your friends more popular than you?
Living a conjoined life
We Had No Idea What Alexander Graham Bell Sounded Like. Until Now
Japan Centenarian Population Tops 50,000
How Jimmy Carter Saved Craft Beer
What If We Never Run Out of Oil?

5 VIDEOS + a fence


Fruit ninja







Have you ever seen a rocket take off and then land?



Do you respect wood?



Pow. Right in the childhood





stan lee shadow pee The Shirk Report   Volume 211