
The Shirk Report – Volume 214

Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find the 25 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles typically originate from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from a variety of sources. Any suggestions? Send a note to!



Poetry in motion
The “It’s complicated” section
Finally a restaurant for the indecisive
– Raccoon thievery: Exhibit A | Exhibit B | Exhibit C | Counter argument
How eloquent
It’s time to reflect
This was in the Men’s bathroom of a restaurant on Mother’s Day
A comedian hired skywriters and this was the result
This will ruin your appetite
This should help [partially] restore it
Reverse candy cotton (thx for sharing @MikeChops!)
Tron Swanson
Good on you, drunk guy…
The lesson here is that ‘Extra’ loud snorers are single
Best day ever
You know it’s a wild night when…
The Rodeo dive
Intensity level: maximum
Beetle trailer
Reagan + Sweatpants + Air Force One
I have something very important to tell you


Career Advice For College Grads From LinkedIn’s Billionaire Founder
How a Working-Class Couple Amassed a Priceless Art Collection (thx for sharing @Monsty!)
Behind the scenes of the $45 million global ATM heist
Why Wikipedia’s Millionth Russian Page is Worth Celebrating
There’s a country that will pay $300,000 per rhino horn to cure cancer and hangovers, and it’s not China
The Scientific 7-Minute Workout
How Bing Crosby and the Nazis Helped to Create Silicon Valley
Controversial Math Facts That People Refuse To Believe Are True
Navy’s Historic Drone Launch From an Aircraft Carrier Has an Asterisk
Everything Google Tried to Kill at Google I/O


5 VIDEOS + A Space Oddity














Things are Looking Up This Weekend!




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