
Creative Dad Photoshops Daughter Into Funny Situations

emil nystrom photoshops baby daughter into funny situations (11)


Emil Nyström is an advertising and portrait photographer from Sweden. In an ongoing personal project, Emil has taken a series of creative portraits of his daughter Signhild. He then uses his Photoshop skills to create funny and unexpected scenarios for his daughter, something she’ll be able to look back on with delight.

In a recent interview with, Nyström says:

“I shoot my child and that’s pretty simple because I know what gets her going and she’s a very easy-going child. But I think the main thing to keep in mind is to be to be yourself, prepare well and be calm. Most children get tired after just a couple of minutes. So if everything is well prepared they’ll give you 10 amazing minutes. If you’re not prepared they might be tired before you even bring out your camera… Some shots take me 20 minutes in Photoshop. Others I’ve worked 16 hours on. Generally I start with cleaning up the pictures and adding in the composite parts.”


To see more professional and personal work from Emil, be sure to check out his official website at:



Photograph by Emil Nyström




Photograph by Emil Nyström




Photograph by Emil Nyström




Photograph by Emil Nyström




Photograph by Emil Nyström




Photograph by Emil Nyström




Photograph by Emil Nyström




Photograph by Emil Nyström




Photograph by Emil Nyström




Photograph by Emil Nyström




See More from Emil Nyström at his Official Site!





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