
Family Finds Grandfather’s Adorable Love Letter Envelopes to Wife


Redditor jennymaecry recently shared a series of love letter envelopes from her grandfather to her grandmother.

Both have since passed away and she says they discovered the letters after going through some of his stuff. All of the letters were date stamped in 1946 and sent to Ruth Roy’s home in Chisholm, Maine which is now known as Jay, Maine.

In the comments on Reddit, jennymaecry states that there are many more illustrated envelopes but that her cousin and Mom have the rest. She says they were sent while her grandfather was serving in the army and also when he was on the road as a travelling salesman.

Warms the heart 🙂

[via jennymaecry]


Photograph by jennymaecry on Reddit | Album on Imgur



Photograph by jennymaecry on Reddit | Album on Imgur



Photograph by jennymaecry on Reddit | Album on Imgur



Photograph by jennymaecry on Reddit | Album on Imgur



Photograph by jennymaecry on Reddit | Album on Imgur



Photograph by jennymaecry on Reddit | Album on Imgur





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