
How To Moonwalk in 5 ‘Animated’ Steps

stormtrooper moonwalk


If there is one dance move that is always sure to impress, it’s the moonwalk. The dance technique became popular around the world after Michael Jackson executed it during a performance of “Billie Jean” on Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever on March 25, 1983. The special was broadcast on May 16th, 1983, and would become Jackson’s signature move.

If you’re like myself, you’re probably doing it wrong, even when you’re just trying to ‘imitate’ what it looks like (see #1 below)! Earlier this week, reddit user pugnant posted a series of animated gifs that explain the correct way to do the moonwalk.

The accompanying Imgur album has since been viewed over 766,000 times and the thought of nearly a million people giving this a shot in their office/home puts a smile on my face 🙂

[SileofAnimaImmortalis on Imgur via pugnant on Reddit]












*Bonus* with shirt on


Now witness the Master
(and look at his neck!)





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