
The Shirk Report – Volume 258

Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find the 25 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles typically originate from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from a variety of sources. Any suggestions? Send a note to!

*for email subscribers: If you visit the direct link to the shirk report in your web browser (by clicking the blue, underlined title), the videos will play properly and images will appear immediately under the text rather than opening in a new window!



Slow down. It’s not the weekend yet!
This baby can balance
Stop the presses | More blasphemy
Big gulps
Refreshing (thx for sharing @MikeChops!)
And that’s when he knew
Here’s an elaborate prank
Catch of the day
How to watch March Madness in class
Grown-ups are weird
Ropes. Their one weakness
Tires. Their one weakness
Ice Cream Sandwich Cone | Ice Cream Sandwich Cake
Dogs in football costumes
Dog day afternoons
These guys deserve more credit
Boom. Pug bomb
Bam! Two-stage domino
“Give me that pan”
Take that balloon!
What did this baby just see? I must know
A drone camera captures its own demise by a Russian Mig
Thanks Encourage Mint!
Rock on my friends



Despite what you’ve been told, you aren’t ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’
Robot writes LA Times earthquake breaking news article
Cosmic inflation: ‘Spectacular’ discovery hailed
The Rise of Anti-Capitalism
What the Shape and Color of Your Poop Means
Car Dealers Are Terrified of Tesla’s Plan to Eliminate Oil Changes
This Guy Makes Millions Playing Video Games on YouTube
This Man Has a Key That Can Shut Down the Entire Internet
‘Waves’ detected on Titan moon’s lakes
A rare interview with Jony Ive, Apple’s design chief


5 VIDEOS + Some Close Calls




Thanks for sharing @Tonewise!



Good read on The Atlantic on how this video came to be












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