In an ongoing series entitled Moon Games, French photographer Laurent Laveder plays with the moon in creative and amusing ways, even inviting his friends and family along for the fun.
The 75+ picture gallery can be seen on pixheaven where prints are also available for purchase. Laveder currently lives in Brittany, a region in the north-west of France. An avid astronomer and astrophotographer since the mid 80s, Laveder enjoys wide-angle astrophotography that incorporates landscapes under the stars/skies.
Laveder has published several books and recently released a calendar of Moon Games, you can learn more on his website. To keep up with the latest you can also follow him on Facebook (personal profile, fan page).
[via I f*cking love science on Facebook]
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Website | Facebook (personal) | Facebook page | Gallery/Prints
Website | Facebook (personal) | Facebook page | Gallery/Prints
Website | Facebook (personal) | Facebook page | Gallery/Prints
Website | Facebook (personal) | Facebook page | Gallery/Prints
Website | Facebook (personal) | Facebook page | Gallery/Prints
Website | Facebook (personal) | Facebook page | Gallery/Prints
Website | Facebook (personal) | Facebook page | Gallery/Prints
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