
Picture of the Day: Batfleck and Batmobile Unveiled




Photograph by Zack Snyder


Man of Steel 2: Batman vs Superman director Zack Snyder tweeted the above photo earlier today, unveiling the new Batman (played by Ben Affleck) costume and Batmobile for the very first time. In a likely partnership, Snyder also mentioned that he shot it with his Leica M Monochrom digital camera.

The photo, originally tweeted at 11:11am ET has already been retweeted over 35,000 times, also appearing on sites across the web. The film is set to be released 6 May 2016 and features Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor and of course, Batfleck.


via Zack Snyder on Twitter




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