
The Shirk Report – Volume 265

Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find the 25 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles typically originate from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from a variety of sources. Any suggestions? Send a note to!

*for email subscribers: If you visit the direct link to the shirk report in your web browser (by clicking the blue, underlined title), the videos will play properly and images will appear immediately under the text rather than opening in a new window!



“Why does he keep throwing things at me?”
3D printing is the future. It empowers us with unlimited creative freedom
The second feature really sold me
Jeopardy is getting sassier
Island hopping
The walk of shame
If you’re gonna lift. Lift wearing this
When a wombat requests a belly rub you do it
If you’re going to draw on someone who is passed out, might as well make it artistic
Street Art*
What the duck!
Green screen
Just a dog in a ‘roadie’ costume
Everyone has bad days. Even Owls | Obligatory ‘come at me bro’
I guess it could be mistaken for a parking spot?
Beet it
Buzzkill Tyson ruins everything with science
This guy is clearly awesome
Here’s a catchy slogan
The backslide
Hold me back! Hold me back!
What a peculiar street name
Until next week



What Happens When a Neurosurgeon Removes Your Hippocampus
Spotify removes silent album that earned indie band $20,000
An Inside Look at the Insanely Complex Formula 1 Steering Wheel
Smartphones: The silent killer of the Web as you know it
The Largest Vocabulary in Hip Hop (thx for sharing Mr. Van’t Hof!)
What School Lunch Looks Like In 13 Countries Around The World
The $13 Billion Mystery Angels
Will China shake the world again?
Harvard’s Wyss Institute creates bioplastic made from shrimp shells
The Great Smartphone War

















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