
Kid Puts Up Poster for Free Piano Concert. Event Goes Viral and Hundreds Show Up

free conert for dylan minneapolis thomas rehbein (1)


It all started when eight-year-old Dylan Spoering put a sign on his front lawn promoting his free piano concert on 12 July 2014. Neighbor and fellow musician Thomas Rehbein noticed Dylan’s sign and posted it to Facebook saying:

“I have no idea who Dylan Spoering is, but he made this sign and put it out in his front yard, which I saw while biking home. Wouldn’t it be cool if a bunch of people showed up for his free concert?


Photograph by Thomas Rehbein


The Facebook event took off and word of the concert spread quickly. Despite the rain, hundreds showed up to provide their support.


Photograph by Jay Gabler/MPR


Photograph by Jay Gabler/MPR


Photograph by Jay Gabler/MPR


Dylan did his part, playing several pieces from his elementary music books. The 10-minute concert was even broadcast live on USTREAM where it has been viewed over 28,000 times! You can see the full stream here. At the end of the performance Dylan got an amazing ovation from the crowd. Check it out below.



Photograph by Tony Franklin


Photograph by Tony Franklin


After the show Dylan invited the crowd to the ice cream social being held in Mueller Park by the Lowry Hill East Neighborhood Association. He also went around passing out homemade chocolate chip cookies to thank everyone for attending.


Photograph by Rebecca Northup


Photograph by Monica Rush


Photograph by Thomas Rehbein



Free Piano Concert by Dylan Spoering Facebook Event
The Current: Minneapolis eight-year-old draws hundreds to front-yard piano recital
Reddit: A kid named Dylan put up a sign for a free concert. Someone saw it, made a facebook event…
My Fox 9: Concert goers turn out for free Minneapolis show




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