
Waves of Cut Glass by Ben Young


31-year-old Ben Young makes intricate wave sculptures from numerous layers of cut glass. Raised in Waihi Beach, New Zealand and now residing in Sydney, Australia, the self-taught artist has been making glass sculptures now for over a decade.

Each of Young’s sculptures are hand drawn, hand cut and hand crafted, layer on layer to create the end product. On his website Broken Liquid, Young Explains:

“I work with 2D shapes and have to figure out how to translate that into a 3D finished product. Sometimes my start point changes dramatically as shapes can be limited – I can’t create any internal right angles – so I have to find a way to layer the glass to create certain shapes.”


You can find more of Ben’s amazing work on his website, Facebook and Tumblr page.

[via Huffington Post]



Artwork by BEN YOUNG
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Artwork by BEN YOUNG
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Artwork by BEN YOUNG
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Artwork by BEN YOUNG
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Artwork by BEN YOUNG
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Glass Artist – Ben Young





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