
The Shirk Report – Volume 316

Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 25 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to



This guy
That’s a fruity haircut
Can you guess who’s feeding the dogs under the table?
Kudos to the person that did this
When someone starts filming and you get all shy
All it took was a one-word response and the election was his
Ever seen brussel sprouts still on the stalk?
Grandma’s first-ever visit to Hawaii!!!
You know the feelng
“Long live the king”
These socks
This sign
There, there
Someone found the weak point on this bike rack
This mall in Malaysia has a slide from the top floor to the bottom
Note to self: do not leave the kids alone with the dog
Second note to self: never park a car on the beach
Me on Saturday morning/afternoon/evening/night
Well isn’t this grand?
This is just wrong | And this is even wrong-er
Respect the hustle
A reasonable request
Until next week



Digital Music Couldn’t Exist Without the Fourier Transform
Want to Get Out Alive? Follow the Ants
The Chinese Art of the Crowd
Diets Are a Lot Like Religion
‘Bourbon Empire’ Reveals The Smoke And Mirrors Of American Whiskey
How a Risky Gamble In 2006 Enabled Floyd Mayweather To Make Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars Today
Chipotle’s Guacamole Recipe
The Homeless Scientist Who Tried to Prove Selflessness Doesn’t Exist
Engineers of Addiction: Slot Machines Perfected Addictive Gaming. Now Tech Wants Their Tricks
Meeting a Silk Road Drugs Boss








warning, profanity





Sadly, Ryan McHenry, the creator of Gosling cereal meme passed away this week.
Here’s to you Mr. McHenry



Upon hearing the news, Gosling put out this






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