
The Shirk Report – Volume 362

Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 25 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to



When kiss cams go wrong
Look at my dab
Look at my dab
Are you missing underwear?
You had one job
I notice something new each time I watch
Holy crap
Get him, he’s trying to steal the sun!
I will catch him!
These few words could have avoided SO many discussions
Physics doesn’t care
Meet Peter Johnson
Best grin
Thank you, Mr. Pipe.
There are two kinds of dog
And one kind of cat
The healthy options at this burger joint
This thrift shop built a fort out of all the donated ’50 Shades of Gray’ books
Oh god, what have I done!?!
Not even the cat wants to look
When your co-worker takes things too literally
Vicious lion mauls giraffe
Until next week



It’s Operating Systems Vs. Messaging Apps In The Battle For Tech’s Next Frontier
29 of the most surreal landscapes on the planet
The Speed of a Unicorn
Northern Enclosure: Alaska’s One-House Town, Home To Hundreds
The American Concordes That Never Flew
Italy to change law to make all supermarkets give unsold food to needy
Why we should fear a cashless world
Highways gutted American cities. So why did they build them?
America’s airlines are introducing a class below economy
What psychology’s crisis means for the future of science


5 VIDEOS + sadfleck

















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