
Artist Uses Bronze to Pull Boulders Apart (9 Photos)


Romain Langlois is a sculptor based in Auvergne, France. Born in 1977 in St Etienne, the self-taught artist turned his attention to bronze for its ‘vibratory and long-lasting quality’ in 2002 (before then he was working with primarily clay and plaster).

In an artist’s profile on the online art gallery website, Artistics, his bio explains:


This metal alloy has the ability to seal in and reveal the emotion placed. Then he learned and integrated stonemasonry into his sculptures. If his approach to bronze is linked to a surface principle, his utilization of the mineral suggests a far denser one. [source]


In the incredible series of photos below, we take a look at some of Romain’s amazing bronze sculptures. You can also find an embedded video interview with the artist along with additional works that incorporate wood and fallen branches. For more, be sure to check out his website and portfolio on Artistics.

[via Colossal]



Artwork by ROMAIN LANGLOIS | Available works


Artwork by ROMAIN LANGLOIS | Available works


Artwork by ROMAIN LANGLOIS | Available works


Artwork by ROMAIN LANGLOIS | Available works


Artwork by ROMAIN LANGLOIS | Available works



Additional Works by Romain Langlois


Artwork by ROMAIN LANGLOIS | Available works


Artwork by ROMAIN LANGLOIS | Available works


Artwork by ROMAIN LANGLOIS | Available works


Artwork by ROMAIN LANGLOIS | Available works



Video Interview with




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