September 9, 2016 at 12:20 pm

The Shirk Report – Volume 386

by twistedsifter


Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to



Fall means one thing
Truly could not have gone any worse
Instead of taking attendance all semester, the TA made this the final exam question
Anybody else think they look like tiny grumpy old men?
A new twist on maternity pics
Not the bees!
Reminds me of that old gif of the model on the runway | …this one!
Here’s a free tip
From 5 to infinity in three steps
When the karma is instant and just
When Apple uses the word ‘courage’ to describe removing the headphone jack
Coming of age
Seating capacity 55 56
Insert inspiring quote about teamwork here
“Work smarter not harder”
We have to go deeper
Somebody help!
My new go-to gif reply
Until next week



Why are there crushed stones alongside rail tracks?
Why Are Babies So Dumb If Humans Are So Smart?
In Defense of Hobbies
10 Lies You Shouldn’t Tell Your Doctor
Middle-aged parents are now more likely to smoke weed than their teenage kids
The Next Industrial Revolution
Why Freshwater Fish Are Awesome
Why Walking Helps Us Think
An Italian rapper, a ‘hangman’s noose’ and a $250m lawsuit: the chaotic race to build Elon Musk’s hyperloop
How to raise a genius: lessons from a 45-year study of super-smart children




from 2009 and still relevant










see ya


kitten waving The Shirk Report – Volume 386