
Amazing Aztec-Inspired Street Art Mural by Rilke Guillen

aztec inspired street art mural by rilke guillen 5 Amazing Aztec Inspired Street Art Mural by Rilke Guillen


Artist Rilke Guillén recently completed this amazing Aztec-inspired mural in Mexico City (exact location here). Guillén was commissioned by the building’s owner to paint a mural over the drab graffiti that covered the wall.

The artist said he used latex paint and that it took about 30 hours over the course of 3 days to complete. Check out the timelapse below to see the progression of the mural from start to finish. You can also find a gallery of photos showing the mural develop over the course of three days.

For more from Rilke, check him out at the links below!


Rilke Guillén
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Rilke Guillén
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Rilke Guillén
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Rilke Guillén
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Rilke Guillén
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Rilke Guillén
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Rilke Guillén
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Rilke Guillén
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Rilke Guillén
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Rilke Guillén
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Rilke Guillén
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