
The Street Outside the White House was Just Changed to Black Lives Matter Plaza

black lives matters street outside of white house 1 The Street Outside the White House was Just Changed to Black Lives Matter Plaza


In a rebuke to President Trump, the mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Boswer, unveiled a two-block long mural painted onto the street leading up to the White House declaring “Black Lives Matter”, renaming the plaza outside the White House to Black Lives Matter Plaza.

The mural and street sign were unveiled on Friday as the Plaza has been sight for ongoing protests in the nation’s capital. Mayor Bowser is a black woman and Democrat that has been in a battle with the President.

Interestingly, the local Black Lives Matter chapter, panned what they saw as a PR stunt and ‘performative distraction’:


On Thursday, the Mayor also demanded the President, “withdraw all extraordinary federal law enforcement and military presence from Washington DC.” She also criticised troops for not wearing any identification, allowing them operate outside “established chains of commands,” she said. [source]

Google Maps has been quick to update the street name on their system and satellite imagery from Friday shows just how big the mural is.

Below you will find videos and additional photos of the mural and street sign change.




Satellite Image from @planetlabs


Google Maps prior to the street name change





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