
Japanese Mecha Creatures Made Out of LEGO

If you don’t know what “mecha” means, here’s the definition:

“The term mecha may refer to both scientific ideas and science-fiction genres that center on giant robots or machines controlled by people.

Mechas are typically depicted as humanoid walking vehicles.”

Btw, if you’ve seen Godzilla or Pacific Rim… you’ve seen a mecha. They’re the massive robots that fight the kaiju.

And a Japanese artist named Mitsuru Nikaido is taking the mecha game to a new level with the mecha creatures he makes out of LEGO.

Nikaido creates all kinds of fantastic pieces, like this creature from the deep sea.

And here’s a stunning bird of prey that you most definitely wouldn’t want to encounter.

And here’s an incredible triceratops that he created.

Nikaido’s pieces are really nifty, don’t you think?

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