Luli Kibudi is a designer based in Spain and she specializes in interpreting modern brands that we all know as old school media.
It’s a really clever project!
These are so cool! Take a look!
1. Netflix
Just like the good old days at the video store.
2. Gmail
In the form of snail mail!
3. YouTube
You have to get up and turn the dial with this one.
4. Facebook
Remember scrapbooks? Do they still exist?
5. Microsoft Word
You have to haul around that clunky typewriter.
6. iCloud
Kids, this is where we used to keep our important documents.
7. Pinterest
Pin it up on the board!
8. Wikipedia
You might have even bought one of these from a door-to-door salesman.
9. LinkedIn
Looking for a job? Check the newspaper.
10. Spotify
Let’s all give it up for the glory days of cassette tapes.