
Here’s Why Everyone Should Be Texting Before They Call

It used to be that if you wanted to talk to someone, you had to actually call the on the phone.

At their house. Where their parents might answer, or no one might answer, or you might just get a machine.

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Growing up in that pre-cell phone society, though, doesn’t excuse you from embracing this brave new world where absolutely no one is excited to get an unexpected call.

Society has evolved quickly, along with technology, and most people now feel like calling without texting first feels entitled and demanding of someone’s time – like you’re asking them to drop what they’re doing to talk to you immediately.

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Not only do most people not enjoy an unscheduled phone call, one that’s missed is also less likely to be returned than a text message that’s waiting there in black and white, suggesting gently that you remember to reply.

If someone waits to reply to a message until they have the time to focus on it, you’re also likely to get a more well thought out response, rather than something they say to you in a harried moment if you’ve called and snagged them at a bad time.

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There are reasons to call, like emergencies, illness or deaths in the family, or other conversations that feel too impersonal to share over text. Except for those few circumstances, though, you’re going to want to start texting – your relationships will be healthier, you’ll be happier, and there will be less stress all around.

And if that doesn’t sound like the ideal world, I don’t know what does!

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