
Awesome Movie Easter Eggs You’ve Probably Never Noticed Before

I remember when I was a little kid and there was a bunch of hoopla around the popular movie Three Men and a Baby.

If you looked closely during one scene, there was a phantom kid in the background…and it creeped people out.

Apparently, it was a cardboard cutout, but the rumor got started that it was the ghost of a kid who had passed away in the apartment where the scene was filmed years earlier.

What other little details have people noticed in movies?

Here are 11 you might have missed.

1. This is great.

Gotta love Jamie Lee!

2. The King has left the building.

Who did it better?

3. A great motto.

These kids are going places.

4. Inappropriate!

Bet you missed that one…

5. Just like Hitchcock!

Well, mostly…

6. A lewd little gag…

How inappropriate!

7. Did you know…?

It all connects…

8. Just roll with it.

That’s very funny!

9. The Lone Pine Mall.

A sneaky reference.

10. Look closely…

For all you sci-fi folks.

11. This is amazing!

Beware of the deep…

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