It can be hard to wrap your head around just how vast space is…and how tiny the planet that we call home is…
So we thought it would be a good idea to show you some photos that illustrate just how amazingly tiny we are.
Take a look at these pics and take some time to look up at the sky and ponder our existence once in a while, it’s truly incredible!
1. Just to put things in perspective.
END TO END, people.
2. That’s how big Jupiter is.
We are just a little speck out there…
3. Look at that tiny Earth!
This is what SIX Earths look like next to Saturn.
4. The Sun is also big, FYI.
This is mind-blowing.
5. This is what Earth looks like from Mars.
Wayyyyyy out there.
6. That’s a big black hole!
I guess you could say that it’s “supermassive.”
7. The largest known star.
Kind of hard to believe, isn’t it?
8. Our entire solar system next to the size of our Milky Way galaxy.
Try to wrap your head around that…
9. And this is a photo with thousands and thousands of galaxies in it.
This photo was taken by the Hubble Telescope and it contains millions of stars that all have their own planets. Wow!
10. This is just one galaxy, called UDF 423.
It is TEN BILLION light years away. Incredible!