
11 Posts About People Beefing With Their Neighbors on Social Media

A word to the wise: don’t get into fights with your neighbors, because it just isn’t worth it.

But here’s another tip: get on apps like NextDoor so you can observe the drama from afar because it’s a whole lot of fun!

And here are 11 posts from NextDoor about feuding neighbors that will make you snicker.

1. Here we go again with the fireworks.

It’s gonna happen around the Fourth of July, DEAL WITH IT.

2. Here’s a TED Talk for you.

I wonder if anyone listened…

3. This doesn’t sound good.

This person might need some help.

4. Put them in their place.

Take that, David!

5. Good point.

Anyone care to respond?

6. God forbid you have to drive an extra block or two.

Get over yourself!

7. This kind of backfired.

Sorry to break it to you…

8. It’s dangerous out there.

You don’t hear that every day.

9. This is not very patriotic!

How dare these people…oh, wait…

10. This is over the top.

No more cooking!

11. I’d stay far away if I were you.

Just some friendly advice…

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