
A Mom Shared Her Postpartum Body and Called Out Society’s Ridiculous Expectations

A woman named Danisha Lestaevel decided it was time to get real about what women’s bodies REALLY look like after they have children and her posts and her honesty got the attention of a lot of people.

She said “I fell into postpartum depression after giving birth, feeling alone. I hadn’t seen anyone with a similar body and didn’t think it was normal to have as much loose skin and stretch marks as I did.”

In this video, Lestaevel gave people an update three days after she gave birth to her fourth child.

@mama3xxx #postpartum #postpartumbody #postpartumrecovery #pregnancy #pregnant #csection #csectiondelivery #cesearean #birth ♬ Didn’t Cha Know – Erykah Badu

And in this video, she showed how her body looks two weeks after she had her baby.

@mama3xxx Postpartum Update 🤍 #postpartum #postpartumbody #WorldPrincessWeek #AEJeansSoundOn #pregnancy #babyfever #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodyconfidence #newborn ♬ BIZCOCHITO – ROSALÍA

Lestaevel added, “It was almost as if my body was foreign to me. It wasn’t mine. I realized that I wasn’t prepared for the bodily changes that occurred after giving birth.”

In this video, she shows viewers the reality of what her stomach looks like.

@mama3xxx I should be napping. 🥹 #PartyWithVMAs #postpartum #pregnancy #newborn #bodypositivity #bodyshamming #skin ♬ Girl With The Tattoo Enter.lewd – Miguel

She realized that people weren’t talking enough about postpartum bodies and that led her to open up and share her experiences with the social media world.

She said, “Initially, it was extremely hard for me to show the world my postpartum body due to the fear of what others might think…But, as I posted, I started receiving positive feedback that made me feel so honored to be a voice for women and showcase what postpartum can look like and that it’s completely normal.”

Lestaevel also said, “I want people who don’t have children to know that not all bodies are the same and that snapback culture* is extremely toxic, as it puts unrealistic beauty standards and expectations on a high pedestal.”

To all the moms out there, keep on keeping it real!

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