
12 Airbnb Hosts With A Whole Lot of Nerve

Travelers choose to utilize an Airbnb instead of a hotel for a whole bunch of different reasons, but at the root of the choice, I think, is the experience you want to have in the place you are visiting.

Using an Airbnb can help you feel more like a guest and not a stranger, in my experience, and often, it can offer the privacy and friendly feeling of staying with friends.

You wouldn’t want to be friends with these 12 hosts, though, whose expectations go way above and beyond.

12. That’s a lot of fees.

Dealbreaker amounts, really.

11. This is more than I do before I go out of town at my own house.

Maybe I should have a checklist.

10. We’re just trying to live our lives.

You’re going to have to run your own business.

9. Maybe they’ve gotten burned in the past.

That’s a risk you’re going to run, though.

8. You don’t get to decide what tip you deserve.

That’s not how any of this works.

7. How do they know exactly what time you left?

I think that’s a fair question, don’t you?

6. Most of us would be livid.

Airbnb definitely should have made this right.

5. You get one or the other.

Because we’re definitely not doing both.

4. Can anyone even explain what these are?

Because I certainly can’t.

3. Not staying in a hotel…priceless.

Or at least this host thinks so.

2. I just laughed out loud.

I hope the person who got this request did the same.

1. OK this is apparently a thing. Insane!

They’re not our housekeeper!


I’m going to make sure I read the find print before I travel the next time!

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