
14 People Talk About Inventions They’d Like to See in Their Lifetimes

I don’t ask for much in this life, but can someone out there please invent a hoverboard that really works?

I’m talking about the kind that Marty McFly would use…anybody out there willing to make this happen?

Because that’s the invention that I’d like to see in my lifetime!

And now it’s time to hear from folks on AskReddit about what they want to see invented.

1. Outer space!

“I hope we can colonize at least Mars in my lifetime, and hopefully to the point where space travel is possible for not just a select few highly trained astronauts.

Maybe even get some way of traveling faster in space so we can reach distant stars. Unlikely in my lifetime, but I can dream.”

2. They’d all be good.

“High speed trans continental railway system in the USA or desalination of sea water on a mass scale.

Oh, and the cure to cancer.”

3. Definitely!

“A hoverboard like in Back to the Future.

It would be great to be able to buy one like buying a regular skateboard.”

4. It would be fun.

“Full dive VR.

Like in sword art online or similar shows.

It seems like it would be a lot of fun.”

5. Take the wheel.

“Would be nice if self-driving cars were standard by the time I reach the point of no longer being able to drive myself.”

6. Sweet!

“Dental regrowth would be friggin sweet!

Expensive…but sweet…”

7. A terrible disease.

“A cure for Alzheimer’s.

Both grandfathers suffered from it and now my own father.

It’s terrible.”

8. Let’s get it done.

“I’ve been telling my children for years that in their lifetime, when they need an organ transplant, doctors will just grow an exact genetic match for them in a vat.

Time to get cracking on this.”

9. Very cool.

“I read about scientists at MIT and in Japan working on a machine that records your dreams and allows them to be played back.

I would love something like that because I have some pretty crazy dreams that I would love to experience again.”

10. Free energy.

“I’d settle for a massive, fixed, very expensive to build source of almost free energy.

I’ll d** a happy man if I get to see a commercial, grid connected fusion power plant go online in my lifetime.

A man made star, used to power our homes. That’d be a hell of a thing.”

11. Let’s hope so…

“A time machine.

Not one that physically allowed you to travel through time but something that allowed you to watch the history of the unvierse as its own kinda movie.”

12. Needs to get figured out.

“A way to fully process plastics.

There’s a lot of different environmental concerns we have, but plastics are a giant pain that’s definitely not going away unless we work this out.”

13. Do you want to be a cyborg?

“Cybernetics would be amazing.

Always wanted to be a cyborg…”

14. Incredibly easy!

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