
16 Unwritten Rules That Everyone Follows, Whether They Know It Or Not

Human beings are funny creatures. We think that we’re so different from each other, and we’re willing to fight about it all the time – but a lot of the time, we’re all following the unwritten rules that govern society.

If you’re not sure what we mean, here are 16 things that most of us would agree are 100% true.

16. Treat yourself as a friend.

Your greatest enemy is yourself. Forgive yourself.

I’d add “Treat yourself as you’d treat others” to that sentiment. I see so many people be hard on themselves for every mistake they make, whilst handwaving those everyone else makes.

Let yourself slide once in a while and be quick to forgive your little peccadillos. Nobody else will remember them.

15. Easier said than done.

Let go of what you can not control.

14. We shouldn’t have to explain that one.

Don’t be rude to people who prepare/ deliver your food.

13. Too many people don’t follow this one.

Always leave an area better than you found it.

12. Every last time.

If they will cheat with you, then they will cheat on you.

If they’re looking for you to “rescue” them from their current relationship, they’ll find someone else to “rescue” them from the relationship with you.

11. For the love of god.

Before you enter and elevator, LET OTHER PEOPLE OUT FIRST GO**AMNIT!

Punishment for violation of this rule is a thorough crop dusting, and pressing every floor button.

10. A short list.

I have a couple.

  1. Be very careful who you trust.
  2. If you live with your friends, your friendship will be very different when they move out (usually in a bad way).
  3. Stand up to people the second you feel like you’re being taken advantage of.
  4. Everyone has financial hardships, but your friends shouldn’t rely on you financially 100% of the time.
  5. Find the positive in life, but don’t let people force you to be positive all the time.

9. Do unto others.

If someone does something unintentionally embarrassing or awkward you pretend it didn’t happen and if they look at you you just smile and look away.

8. You can exercise later.

Never turn down a slice of cake, Make every opportunities count!

7. Or risk all of the mean glares.

Bring your shopping cart back to the storefront or cart return.

6. Perhaps the most important one.

If someone asks for a tampon/pad and you have one to give, you give it to them.

Even to a stranger.

5. And remember to ask your kids if they need to, as well.

Pee before you leave the house.

4. Learn how to be happy alone.

You are the person you spend the most time with. Be someone you like.

3. More hard times than good.

Life actually sucks a lot of the time. If you expect to be happy all the time, you will be sorely disappointed and lost.

Instead, work up a resilience to the hard times and take your time to enjoy the good times.

2. Don’t look stupid.

1: Just because someone is of a higher status than you doesn’t mean that you’re below them as a human being. Stand your ground even when you think you’re wrong or if you think your opinion might be worth less.

2: Fighting as an adult doesn’t make you look cool, it makes you look stupid.

3: Don’t desperately look for love, but also don’t ignore it.

1. No shame at all.

There is absolutely no shame in going to therapy or talking to someone about your mental health.

These are hard to argue with, though I know some people would try.

There are probably more things that belong on this list, too!

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