
She Told A Friend She Should’ve Known Having More Kids Would Mean LESS Freedom. Was She Wrong?

Is it breaking news to tell someone that they probably won’t have as much free time if they decide to have more kids?

I don’t think so, but that’s just me

And this woman wants to know if she’s an a**hole for telling her friend such a thing…

Let’s check out what she had to say.

AITA for telling my friend she should’ve thought before having kids if she wanted more freedom?

“My friend, Isla (26f) and I (26f)have known each other since middle school. We applied to the same college and got in. However, Isla got pregnant after a few months and decided to drop out.

She’s had 3 more accidental pregnancies and is now a stay at home mother of 4.

I was telling her the other day that I’m going travelling to Europe and if all goes well, I will be moving there.

She got really annoyed with me and told me that it must be nice to have all the freedom and no responsibilities (like hello, I work, i’m Doing my PhD, it’s not like I’m just sitting on my a**) because I don’t have kids.

This isn’t not the first time she took jabs at me for that but it was the first time she was this rude.

I told her that if she wanted to be free and go off whenever and wherever she wanted, she should’ve used protection and thought before having kids (our conversation was at my house and her kids weren’t there).

She got really mad and left, slamming the door on her way out.

She hasn’t replied to my messsages but she starting telling everyone what an awfu” person I am.

AITA for snapping at her?”

Now check out what Reddit users had to say about this.

One reader said she’s NTA and she might want to let this friendship fizzle out.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said she’s NTA and they seemed confused about FOUR accidental pregnancies.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said her friend is bitter about her path in life.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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