
12 People Share What They Think Are the Most Boring Hobbies Folks Can Have

Are any hobbies really boring if people enjoy them?

Well, I guess that’s up for debate…

But there’s no doubt that these folks on AskReddit think these 12 hobbies are TOTALLY boring.

Check out what they had to say.

1. This really exists.

“Fantasy Curling.

Bruce Moat was a steal last year.”

2. Sounds okay to me.

“My parents both read the newspaper 4 -5 hours a day. And then discuss the articles they’ve read with each other.

They’re very happy doing this, and I’m glad they have this common interest. But for me, phew, that’d be a tough one to get into!”

3. Free stuff!

“My father collected banana stickers. “They’re free!”

He would keep some cornstarch and a piece of wax paper in his wallet whenever he saw a new one out at the grocery store or when he was traveling for business.

I have to tell you, when you see several hundred stickers all in one place organized and arranged in a display binder it is surprisingly impressive.”

4. Lawn boy.

“I’m pretty into lawn care.

It bores the f**k out of people when I talk about it, but I love that s**t.”

5. At least he likes it.

“My boyfriend washing his car.

He literally talks about it at least 5/7 days a week, and is constantly buying this or that new product.

A boring chore for me is hours of entertainment for him.”

6. Not a good thing.

“Judging people. That’s my mother’s hobby.

Whether in real life people, internet people, actors, reality tv shows (she believes it 100% not scripted). She judges the shit of them.

Just walking to the mall, and there she goes pointing at a strangers and judging them and telling to me, sister or brother what she thinks about them. Like me and my siblings don’t give a s**t.

Such a pathetic and boring hobby.”

7. You might want to reconsider…


Dated a guy who listed napping as his number one hobby.

So…you’re at your happiest when you’re unconscious?!”

8. Scrubbin’.

“Using magic erasers to clean grunge and dirt off of anything and everything.

Hand me a pack of them and I will have the entire house looking like it was just built. I literally don’t stop until either I run out of erasers, or if I’m told to take a break.

My boyfriend said he watched me for hours straight scrub our railing on our stairs and couldn’t understand how I wasn’t bored by ten minutes in.

I didn’t even know that much time had passed.”

9. Every day.

“Reading obituaries in order to cross out the names in the phone book.

My dad used to do that, but it was more to lament the people that passed away that were the same age as him or younger.

He would do this out loud every morning until my mom convinced him to stop ordering the local newspaper, because it was driving her nuts.”

10. Well, I don’t want to be rude…

“Involuntary collections.

My grandmother had a bunch of white porcelain cats when I grew up, later I found out the only reason she had them was because people kept giving them to her thinking she collected them.

She just didn’t want to be rude.”

11. King of the garage.

“My dad likes to sit in the garage for hours on end in a lawn chair, drink beer and watch traffic go by.

Boring as s**t but he’s zen as f**k.”

12. Sounds like a real hoot!

“Sometimes I stare at my guinea pig and attempt to predict when she will yawn.

Audiences are profoundly bored by this.”

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