
Man Wonders If Hoarding Every Last Egg In The House Could Be A Problem

We all have our quirks. When we get into relationships the other person learns about them, and then decides whether or not they can live with them going forward.

OP here thinks he has to eat 6 eggs and an orange every day before work. His girlfriend is normally fine with it, since she doesn’t eat eggs, but last week she took one to bake a cake.

I eat the same breakfast every work day: six fried eggs and an orange (yes, I know this is a lot of food for most people, but I weigh 300 pounds and need to be sure I don’t get hungry before lunch).

My girlfriend is well aware of this. She doesn’t like eggs and never eats them, so it works out perfectly because each week when we go grocery shopping, I buy a 30-pack of eggs, which lasts exactly the week (6 eggs x 5 days = 30).

He was upset, thinking that she could have given him a head’s up so he could buy extra, but his girlfriend thinks he’s overreacting.

I work Thursday to Monday every week. This past Sunday evening (when I had six eggs left in the carton for Monday morning), I was in the shower and came out to discover that my girlfriend had used one of my eggs to make a cake.

I wasn’t really upset with her, but I was mildly annoyed because she knows full well that I was planning to eat it for breakfast the next day (and it was too late to go back out to get more eggs).

I asked her to please let me know next time we’re at the grocery store if she plans to need an egg that week so we can buy extra. She said I’m being ridiculous, that it’s just one egg, and that she shouldn’t have to plan everything ahead like that.

Again, I want to emphasize that I’m not actually mad at her, just mildly annoyed. But she seems to think even that’s an overreaction. AITA?

I have a feeling Reddit has a lot of thoughts (if they can manage to stay on topic).

The top comment says that it was 1 egg; the fact that it bothered him should be a red flag to himself.

Image Credit: Reddit

This person took the opportunity to use all of the puns. Bless him.

Image Credit: Reddit

More than one person got derailed talking about OP’s eating habits.

Image Credit: Reddit

If his eating habits are causing the trouble, then this person says maybe they should be part of the debate.

Image Credit: Reddit

The kinder folks are even concerned about him.

Image Credit: Reddit


Y’all, this one has killed me.

I think I’m done with this subreddit for awhile.

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