At first, the internet seemed like a great option for selling our unwanted stuff. We didn’t have to prep and run a whole garage sale, we could reach more people at once, and there are options for keeping safe by meeting in public places, etc.
Over time, though, we’ve started to realize that maybe meeting everyone there is to meet out there has its downside, too.
16. How is that the seller’s problem?
Oh right. It’s not.
15. This almost seems like it has to be a joke.
Sadly, I don’t think that’s the case.
14. This made me snort.
But I’m not the one trying to buy it.
13. Talk about wanting something for nothing.
It’s really none of your business how much someone paid for something.
12. Why do they think you’ll answer after abuse?
If they weren’t answering before, that’s not going to work.
11. It’s the threats that get me.
Why do they think we’ll care?
10. They’re at a loss for words.
It’s hard to blame them.
9. Sorry not sorry.
On both sides.
8. What a perfect response.
Some people are never going to get it.
7. Sounds like a you problem.
I’m just saying.
6. A sense of humor is important.
Otherwise you might just go crazy.
5. Hahahaha.
The only way to do this is to give no f**ks.
4. Let’s just wait and see, hmm?
We’ll keep you updated.
3. I don’t understand what’s going on here…
Oh, right. They’re lying.
2. This conversation is just going the wrong direction.
Might as well cut it off, now.
1. So no.
Full stop, my friend.
People are such a mixed bag.
It’s always been that way, it’s just that now we’re interacting with a lot more of them.