
Did This Mom Go Too Far In Trying To Teach Her Daughter What Being An Adult Is Really Like?

When you sign up to be a parent, part of the gig is teaching your children how to survive in the world as adults. Sure, you have 18 years to do it, but the truth of the matter is that those years disappear before you know what’s happened – and you have to hope that you’ve done your job.

This woman is concerned, as her 18-year-old daughter is suddenly skipping school and hanging out with the wrong crowd, and lying all the time to boot.

My 17 year daughter a senior in high school, has been skipping school, smoking wd, allowing kids that do not have a DL drive my car and lying about everything.

When she ran away, OP’s first reaction was to cut off her daughter’s phone, medical insurance, and anything else that she pays for until she agrees to at least finish school.

She has now ran away because I told her she had to finish high school. My house rules are the following: tell me where you are, don’t lie and finish high school. She has been doing all the above.

I told her she since she didn’t want to attend school here she could go to her dad or grandparents.

She chose to runaway when I wasn’t looking.

So I plan on canceling her phone, which I pay, took my GI bill back that gave for her to use for college, and plan on pausing her insurance.

She has braces on her top teeth but hasn’t attended an appointment since April. I’m hoping she wakes up soon and realizes it’s a crappy world.

The daughter’s friends and their parents say the daughter is an adult and OP can’t make her do anything, but OP is left feeling confused about what she should do.

I finally got ahold of one of her friends after 2 days who has informed me that “my child is an adult, I can’t make her live with me, or anyone else without her consent. That she don’t have to go to school if she don’t want to.”

And that I was a horrible parent pretty much.

You know Reddit is going to have some very good (or at least enthusiastic) advice!

The top comment says that OP is doing nothing wrong. If her daughter thinks she wants to be an adult, well…this is what it’s like.

Image Credit: Reddit

After learning through comments that the behavior change was sudden and recent, this person thinks OP really needs to find out what precipitated it.

Image Credit: Reddit

Everyone is hoping that the kid is ok, honestly.

Image Credit: Reddit

What everyone can agree on is that this is a tough situation.

Image Credit: Reddit

That said, part of being a good parent is making tough choices sometimes.

Image Credit: Reddit

OP has said that she’s realized she needs to try to find out what caused her daughter’s behavior to change so suddenly.

Here’s hoping the two of them can figure it out.

Because adulting really does stink.

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