
18 People Describe The Moment They Realized Their BFF Was Truly Awful

We all want to believe those we’re closest to in life are good people. That said, sometimes people are hiding things about themselves that are far too unseemly to forgive once they come to light.

These 18 people thought they had found their ride or die only to realize at some point that they’d actually need to kick their BFF out of the car.

18. It’s not the money.

When I trusted and believed he was like a brother only to have him steal thousands of dollars from me. The money didn’t even matter but the treason hurt for years.

17. Some kind of lunatic.

My brother turned his back on our dad who paid his way through college, paid the down payment on his condo, and gave him two cars.

When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn’t text him enough.

Our dad had had a stroke and could only use one hand. He texted my brother once every day or two with one hand anyway.

I took care of our dad through surgery, radiation therapy, physical therapy, stroke rehab, and chemo.

On the last weekend before our dad was starting chemo, I asked him if he wanted to come up and do some grilling with dad because it was the last time we’d ever see him healthy.

He said he had plans. I asked what the plans were. He wouldn’t give me a straight answer.

Our dad got so sick after that. Couldn’t leave a wheelchair. My brother and sister came at christmas and my dad made such an effort to spend time with my brother that he broke both hips.

My brother said to me later he honestly thought it would be best if our crazy mother shot our dad and herself.

I think my brother is a lunatic. There’s no anger or hate, I just can’t think of him as a sane person anymore.

16. With friends like that…

A girl who was like a sister to me stole $80K from my business (her husband did, with her knowledge) and then turned her back on me while I was going through chemo.

To be fair, I did tell her the worst thing would be if I lost a huge amount of money like that and that I’d rather have cancer again so I did give her the method to hurt me the worst. So there’s that.

15. That will do it.

When she told me she was cheating on her husband and then I found out she was cheating with MY husband.

14. What a piece of crap.

When he got his girlfriend pregnant he got 6 weeks of paternity leave. He lived with me and she had her own place.

For months after the child was born he sat home taking advantage of his paid vacation playing 10 hours of video games a day while she struggled with the child.

13. What a betrayal.

Best friend said he had been cheating on his wife, found our he was banging my wife.

Even more crazy this started before my wife and I were even engaged. I will never know how he stood there as my best man knowing what was going on and just was okay with it.

12. It all works out.

Probably when my gf at the time admitted to sleeping with him and my three other guy friends while we were together.

Not in an embarrassed way either, she was throwing it in my face to hurt me.

I hoped against my own instincts that it wasn’t true but I asked him and knew instantly from the look in his eyes that it was.

Basically lost my whole friend group overnight, but… ended up finding much better friends in the long run.

It all works out.

11. Not cool at all.

I was poor and in college, I had the flu really really bad one week and asked my friend (he lived in a dorm across the hall) to go to the convenience store in the dorm lobby and get me something to drink and he could get whatever for himself too. He got me my soda and himself $40 worth of snacks. Didn’t notice at the time and I ordered us a pizza, he knew it was all I was going to have to eat for the next few days, and he snuck into my room and ate the leftovers while I was passed out on cold medicine.

I didn’t even really know how to respond. Like I was already buying him snacks and feeding him… he had a meal plan on campus (I didn’t)… why act like that?

10. Not supportive.

A longtime friend spent part of the evening talking at length about how bored & miserable she was, raising small children in a semi-rural area. These were all choices she’d made, but I made sympathetic noises.

Then she pulled out her phone & tried to hook up with a guy she’d been talking to earlier that evening.

I’d known her husband longer than I’d known her. I helped set them up (regrettably). Yet somehow she thought I’d be OK with having to keep that secret. The self-pity fest had been meant to soften me up, apparently.

Sorry, but no, I’m not supportive of lies & betrayal.

9. Why though?

He and his brother destroyed an apartment we shared.

Some 30 thousand in damage, then tried to come after me for it.

Living room- carpet stains and rips, holes in the walls, damaged blinds.

Kitchen- holes in the walls.

Bedroom 1 – stained carpet, more holes, closet door track broken.

Master bed – bathroom. Toilet tank was shattered, growing slime. Sink was full of black water, curtain rod was bent in curly cue, faucet was crushed and bent, shower head was smashed and kinked.

I was signed off the lease after the first tantrum, still have that paper a decade on.

8. Well that’s weird.

He would be a good friend to me in private situations, but when we were in groups or in front of total strangers, he would turn on me and try and embarrass me.

After 2-3 years of it, I decided he would be better out of my life and haven’t spoken to him for over 15 years.

7. One day you realize…

I started to realise that they only ever talk about themselves. They rarely ask me a question, but then cut me off while I’m answering to make it about them.

6. Message received.

“Friends” I used to hang out with in high school. One of the group had been a good friend of mine since we were really young even though we went to different schools. It was his house the others always hung out in, so I was kind of grandfathered in to his new friends group from his school.

I always felt a little unwelcome just cause of little things. They’d be playing video games passing the controller and I was always last; if I got a turn at all. If someone brought food or something to share I would always get the least of it(FYI: I brought things to share more than anyone, so it wasn’t like i was a big mooch or something). And they frequently made plans outside of my buddy’s house to which I was never invited; but then they’d openly talk about it in front of me later.

What really hit it home was one time I was hanging out there, and found out they were all planning on going into the city for a concert or something. They straight up told me I wasn’t invited, which I shrugged off cause I didn’t really have money for it anyway.

But then their ride fell through and I offered to drive them. They treated that like it was absolute worst case scenario, and also like if they were to accept my offer they’d be somehow doing me a favor.

I said, ok forget it. Message received. I left and never talked to them again. None of them ever tried to contact me again either. But it was really only childhood friend whom I was really disappointed in. I thought for sure he’d at least check in after that obviously devastating interaction.

But that was many many years ago. Thankfully I have much better friends now.

5. All too common.

Realizing I am always there for them but it is never reciprocated or even acknowledged or even feigned interested in any thing I am doing in life.

As long as we were talking about him and doing what he wanted, all was good. But he’d get immediately disinterested if the focus changed away from him.

But how I realized he was a true asshole… I worked with him at the same place. Came into his office one day and he was surfing Plenty of Fish. He was married with two kids. He says he was just screwing around, so I said whatever.

Couple months later he’s going to this conference and mentions it’s near where this old girlfriend lives and he’s thinking of seeing if she wants to get together. Remembering Plenty of Fish I said I thought that was a bad idea. Long story short, he did get together with her, came back and bragged that she had stayed with him the entire time, he never even made it to the conference and it was the best s^x he ever had. He just wasn’t ashamed at all telling me any of this.

It gets worse. The former girlfriend reaches out to his wife on Facebook and tells her what happened. My “friend” spends the next year in absolute misery, always begging me for advice, constantly coming home to find all his stuff on the lawn before convincing his wife to let him back in. I suggest he tries counselling and they go. Every time we go for a beer the whole time is just him telling me about all this and how terrible it is. After awhile he took a new job so I didn’t see him as much and a couple months go by. Finally I reach out to him and we got for a beer one day.

I ask him how he’s doing and he says, you know what I learned through the whole thing? I’m like, finally, this guy has gone through some self reflection and realized what an a$$hole he was. What? I ask.

He looks me straight in the eye and says, I learned I can do whatever I want in my marriage and get away with it.

I was floored. What about your year of misery? I asked. All you did that entire time was tell me how awful it was. Nah, he says, it wasn’t that bad, I was just exaggerating because that’s what you expected of me. I could easily go through all that again to sleep with whoever I want.

Chilling shit. I never called him again.

4. All one-sided.

I’d gotten use to the cycle of him getting a new partner then disappearing until things went tits up and I’d help him pick up the pieces. We went through the cycle many times, whatever he needed I always had his back, of course when I was at my lowest ebb, really having a really f**king tough time I let him know and he said he’d try to find some time to hang out.

The only thing I’d ever asked of him, of course he vanishes again until his next relationship blew up, he called not long ago, I didn’t bother getting back to him.

3. It went on too long.

Over time we lost contact, then she only reached out when she needed money. I let this go on too long until I found out I was pregnant with my first, and told her then I wouldn’t send any money after that.

She still asked, my daughter is now over 1.5 yo, and she had never even met her. I ended up blocking her and telling her not to bother trying to reach out anymore.

2. Just snapped.

I was going through a really ugly breakup that left me in a very low point in my life. I was getting a lot of advice from my bestfriend on the whole situation. I told him that it would take time for me to get over her, as it was a relationship of over 2 years.

3 days after the breakup I check snap maps and see that he is at my ex’s apartment. It was 2 in the morning. He initially lied about it but then admitted to hooking up with her. I started crying over the phone and he literally said “I just want you to know that I’m sorry this is hurting you but I’m going to continue doing this with her”

I lost my best friend of 22 years over that. It’s crazy to me that one day, a friend who was a brother to me, just snapped and ignored me in a really dark state of mind just so he could get laid.

1. Not a favor.

Best friend since elementary. In highschool When I told her I no longer wanted to be friends because she was mean to others all the time, including me- she said that I had to be friends with her cuz she was my friend In elementary and middle school even tho everyone told her not to be, and that everyone talked behind my back about how gross and weird I was and she stayed my friend anyhow.

She worded it like she was doing me a huge favor by being my friend and that I somehow owed her for that charity.


Definitely egregious infractions.

Here’s hoping none of us ever have to make the same call!

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