
Neighbor Expects Pregnant Mom to Be a Driver for Their Son. What Should She Do?

What is up with parents these days?

I ask that question because you’re about to see another story about an entitled parent asking another parent to go above and beyond the call of duty for a kid that doesn’t belong to them.

It’s weird!

And we think this story will make you shake your head and maybe your fist.

Take a look at what went down and see if you think this woman is out of line.

School dilemma.

“My son has started reception this year at the local school around 5 minutes walk away.
I have a 2.5 year old and I’m pregnant due May 10th!

On the odd time I have took my neighbours son to school with me when she had an emergency or she was feeding her baby.

Yesterday morning she dropped into conversation that they cannot keep affording to send their 12 year old to school via taxi anymore and as he has anxiety he cannot go by bus so will be needing to drive her to school and can I permanently take her younger son to school and in the afternoons pick him up and bring him home with me till 5 pm ish as she needs to collect baby from childminder and it’s becoming too tight.
(She is stopping after school wrap around care as it is too expensive)

When I mentioned I will be saddled with a newborn next month her response was “well you would still be doing it anyway so what’s an extra child” and I just was so shocked I didn’t reply and my toddler started crying so I said my goodbyes.

How do I deal with this without making it extremely awkward for the rest of our lives? As these homes are both our “forever homes”.”

Now let’s see what readers had to say about this.

One person said she should tell her she can only help her out in an emergency.

Photo Credit: Mumsnet

Another reader offered up advice about what she should text the woman.

Photo Credit: Mumsnet

And this person said she just needs to be blunt and tell her that she can’t take this on.

Photo Credit: Mumsnet

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