
People Get Real About What They Dislike More and More as They Get Older


The older I get, I don’t like super loud noises unless I’m going to see a band.

I don’t like loud restaurants, bars, stores, etc.

And I also don’t like really loud PEOPLE.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Let’s see what AskReddit users like less and less as they get older.

So hard.

“Functioning on low sleep.

I feel like in the last few years my bodies ability to do so has decreased drastically.

It used to be that I could get like 5-6h a night during the week and recharge with a couple of 8-10s on the weekend and be largely fine.

Now by the 2nd or 3rd day I’m really feeling it and have to pencil in a few hours to recharge.”

What’s going on here?!?!

“When they rearrange stuff at the grocery store.

And it never makes any goddamn sense either.

If anything, I end up buying less because I can’t find the f**king pesto I like now.”

Not happening.

“The expectation of being contactable 24/7.

One of my friends called me 16 times the other day…16 times!

I already told him I was busy and doing work modules on my phone and dealing with my father’s Alzheimer’s, yet he still called me 16 times.

He is no longer my friend. Pi**ed me TF off.”


“My boss is always surprised when he asks me if I want to work in the weekend and I say “Lol no’.

I don’t want to be at work at any moment, it’s not a bad place to be but I’m there because I’m bound by a contract and I need the money.

If you want me to come in the weekend put me on schedule and I’ll come but don’t ask if I want to.”

Be nice to each other.

“Basic discourtesy.

Don’t know why but it grinds my gears when people can’t say please and thank you, or excuse me, or hold a door for the 0.2 seconds it would take to not slam in someone’s face, or apologize when they step on someone’s foot or bump into them. Being mean to retail and service workers. People who run red lights.

Basically I just want people to be nice. My preschool, Mr. Rogers, and Sesame Street did not spend 6 years teaching us to be polite in public for us to act like this.”

Can’t live in the past.

“Memories of myself.

I remember things I’ve done and sometimes it makes me sick to my stomach with shame or sometimes I remember cool things I’ve done and it makes me sad that I’m not still doing those cool things.”



In the past couple years I developed a snap rage response to s**t like booming stereos and loud exhaust.”

Not fun anymore.

“Getting sick.

As a kid, it meant a day off where I got to lay in bed and watch tv.

As an adult, it means I still have to go to work but I feel like garbage.”

The hustle.

“Having to hustle to have a decent life.

I despise that term and how it’s seeped into the collective consciousness. It’s an abhorrent idea that you need to effectively k**l your quality of life to make a living.

The only “hustle” I know is what my coach used to yell at me when I was lolly gagging during practice.”

Stay inside.

“Social situations. Professional faces and fake people.

I just don’t go anymore. I don’t need to rub elbows and meet people in my line anymore! Pls don’t invite me! I don’t want to lie and say I’m busy!

I just can’t people ass kiss anymore! I don’t care what you can do for me or my position. No more networking or team building PLEASE! I’m almost 50 and don’t give a s**t anymore!”

You only need a few.

“Having a large group of friends. I’m realizing more and more how many people really don’t care about me.

I have felt left out for a while and I’m beginning to realize that it’s not all in my head. I keep making excuses for not being invited, but it’s not healthy for me to be around that and I am too old to deal with it. That’s silly high school life!

The two or three really good friends I have are all I really need. They are so amazing and I’m so lucky to have them in my life!!”

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