
Is She Wrong for Ignoring Her Soon-To-Be Stepmom for Calling Her the Wrong Name? People Responded.

AITA Ignoring Stepmom Calling Me Is She Wrong for Ignoring Her Soon To Be Stepmom for Calling Her the Wrong Name? People Responded.

If someone who is about to be a member of your family calls you the wrong name, I’d say they’re most likely doing it on purpose.

But you never know, right?

So was this teenage girl a jerk for ignoring her soon-to-be stepmom who can’t seem to remember her name?

Take a look at her story and see what you think.

AITA for ignoring my soon to be stepmom when she kept calling me by the wrong name?

“So my (f16) name is Andi just Andi. My mom’s dad passed away just a few days before she found out she was pregnant. My mom was very close with her Dad and his name was Andrew (also went by Andy).

The technical female Version of Andrew is Andrea but neither my mom nor dad liked the name but my mom wanted to honor her dad in some way so I got named Andi. Which I love my name I think it fits me.

My parents got divorced when I was 8 and I live with my mom most of the time but visit my dad every other weekend (as well as holidays). 3 years ago my dad started dating his now fiance “Kate”.

Kate for some reason when we met assumed my name was Andrea. I explained to her it was just Andi. She kept calling me Andrea though. I ended up telling my mom about it and she told me just to ignore Kate until she calls me Andi.

Well, this past weekend I was at my dad’s and we were visiting some of Kate’s family. Well, she kept calling over for Andrea and of course, I ignored her. She got mad and said why am I ignoring her and I said because that’s not my name and you know this.

Her dad and brother basically laughed saying they thought I just went by Andi as a nickname and I said no it’s just Andi. They then asked Kate why has she been calling me Andrea then. Well, Kate later got made calling me a brat for embarrassing her. She went on to say I knew who she was talking about and that I should have just gone with it but I was being an AH.

I honestly kind of feel like in that instance I should have just answered to Andrea but I don’t know. AITA?”

Now let’s see what people said about this on Reddit.

One person said she’s NTA…but her dad is sure an a**hole.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said she should just stop seeing both of them.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user had a different take on this issue and said maybe her dad doesn’t even know what’s going on.

Photo Credit: Reddit

I don’t know… I think it’s all a bit cringe.

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