I’ve always wondered what it would be like to work in a photo-processing lab…
And to be honest, I wasn’t even really sure how many of these places are still around since everything has gone digital these days.
But I guess they’re still going strong, because a woman who works at a photo lab in a Walgreens store shared a video on TikTok about an unusual situation she found herself in on the job.
The woman’s name is Liv and she told viewers in a TikTok video that she received an unusual request from a customer: they wanted 89 screenshots of text messages to be printed on photo paper.
I wonder what this was all about…
In the video, Liv lipsynched someone else saying, “What in the Reese’s peanut butter f**k is going on?” while she showed the screenshots from the customer.
Would you be able to resist reading these?!?!
I think not…
Now take a look at her video.
@oliviadelta9♬ Reeses PB Fluck – Stefan Johnson
And here’s what viewers had to say.
One person said they’re too nosy to be in this position.
Another viewer said they’d like to work at this job.
And another TikTokker used to do this as well at their job.
Come on… who wouldn’t read these?!?