
A Woman Got Back at the Folks Who Wouldn’t Allow Her Entrance Into a Racetrack

AITARefusedEntry A Woman Got Back at the Folks Who Wouldn’t Allow Her Entrance Into a Racetrack

Hmmm, I bet you didn’t see that coming, did you?

That’s what I envision the person saying who wrote the story below on Reddit.

Because you better believe that they pulled off some petty revenge!

Take a look at their story below and enjoy!

Refuse my mother entry to your horse track? Don’t expect access to our personal road!

“My grandad used to own a piece of land next to a horse racetrack . Their land almost surrounded my grandad’s except for him having access to a heavily trafficked public road.

The racetrack was laid out in such a way that their exercise track was placed north om my grandads land while the main track with a stadium was placed to the south. Way back when the racetrack was built they had asked my grandad if they could transport their horses across his land. There was already a maintenance road in place and as they only moved their horses he didn’t really mind as they also supported the local village.

As a small thank you for this they allowed him and his guest to watch the races for free, normally it cost around 5 usd in our local currency, not that much, but it allowed him to take me and all my cousins to watch the horsies for free.

Anyhow, fast forward a couple of years and my grandad passed away. My mother, who inherited the land tried to bring her grandchild (my niece) to the racetrack to see the horses just as my grandad used to to.

At the counter she is told that she has to pay for admission; not really that big of a deal as she thought that they didn’t know that she now owned the land. Afterwards however when she writes to the trac to rectify the situation they tell her that she won’t be admission free as it was a one time deal they had struck with my grandad that now was off.

Enter the petty revenge. A few months later when we had planned to cut down some of the trees for lumber my mother told the contractors to “accidentally” leave one or two logs across the maintenance road.

The racetrack, now having to load their horses on trollies as they had to use the busy public road instead of our maintenance one, almost immediately sent an email to my mother apologising and offering her that same deal as my grandad had received, if we would remove the logs.

She only informed them that the one time deal they had struck with my grandad was off.

In the end after some wrangling we ended up with a deal where they now have to pay my mother around $400 usd every month in addition to her and her guests having free admission.”

Let’s see what people had to say on Reddit.

One person made a good point about what was probably going on here…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said these folks definitely found out the hard way.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual made a great point: “the quickest way to get fired is to cost the company money.”


Photo Credit: Reddit

Cash as revenge? Very sweet!

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