
Are They Wrong for Not Changing Their Cat’s Name? Here’s What People Said.

AITACatsName Are They Wrong for Not Changing Their Cat’s Name? Here’s What People Said.

Let’s be clear about one thing...the cat’s name WILL NOT BE CHANGED.

Uh oh…that doesn’t sound too good, does it?

In fact, it sounds like there’s some major drama going on here.

Let’s get all the facts below so we can see what the heck is going on here.

AITA for not changing my cat’s name?

“So I recently adopted a wonderful sweetie of a shelter cat named Millie. That’s the name that the shelter gave her, I thought it it suited her and she responds to it, so I didn’t change it.

The other week, my pregnant cousin “Carrie” (who I’m moderately close to) posted a list of potential baby names on her social media and Millie was on the list. I commented to remind her of my cat’s name, and she DMed me to ask me to change Millie’s name because she and her fiancé really liked that name for their daughter.

I refused because my cat had her name first, and Carrie called me selfish for valuing a “stupid cat” over her daughter. I told her that my cat is not stupid, and that I wouldn’t mind if her baby shared a name with my cat, but if it was an issue for her, she could choose a different name. She again called me selfish and said she had to go.

I was feeling a bit conflicted, so I went to my sister (a mother herself so I hoped she’d offer some perspective) and she said that she understands where I was coming from, but that babies should come before pets. She said that it would be really kind of me to change my cat’s name, and that she knows how important a couple’s “dream name” is.

Now I’m feeling more confused than ever, so AITA?”

Here’s what people said on Reddit.

This person said said they definitely shouldn’t change the cat’s name.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said they’re NTA and their cousin is being dramatic.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And one Reddit user also said they’re NTA and that the universe won’t implode over this.

Photo Credit: Reddit

My two cents… cats and humans are NOT the same.

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