
He Picked Up His Wife Ten Minutes Late From the Airport. Is He a Jerk?

AITAPickingUpWife He Picked Up His Wife Ten Minutes Late From the Airport. Is He a Jerk?

Is ten minutes a big deal?

I would think not, but this guy picking up his wife ten minutes late at the airport sure seemed to stir up all kinds of drama.

Was he an a**hole?

Get a load of his story below and see what you think.

AITA for picking my wife up from the airport 10 minutes late?

“Here’s what happened:

My wife was due to fly in to one of the most popular airports in the world last night at around 9pm. Her landing time was 8:50pm, no checked luggage, so I told her I’d be there at 9pm.

At about 8:05pm, she apparently started calling my phone but unfortunately I didn’t see/hear the calls until 8:15pm. This is because, like her, I keep my iPhone with the little “silent” switch on at all times so that it just vibrates. I didn’t hear the vibration because I had my gaming headset on and was gaming/talking with friends. Keep in mind, I wasn’t expecting ANY calls from her until after she landed…

When I finally realized she was calling me (I looked at my phone by chance) I picked up and she told me that her plane had landed early (in this airport?! Unheard of!) and she told me to leave now. I just said “Ok I’ll see you soon,” and hung up. This is where the AITA comes in:

I thought it was fine to finish my online match and left the house 10 minutes later. I drove to the airport and there was a ton of traffic (as usual and as expected) and I didn’t pull up to where her and her friend were waiting until about 9:05. As fate would have it, that was pretty much the original time we had planned on picking her up.

To make a long story somewhat shorter, my wife sprung the fact that we had to bring her friend home as well (which I was fine with, they lived a few minutes away) and everything was fine until after we dropped the friend off. Then, my wife showed me how upset she was that I “made her wait an extra 10 minutes” and that there was a “huge difference between waiting 30 minutes and waiting 40 minutes.”

At first, I kinda laughed it off and tried not to be upset back at her but inside I was thinking, “uh, hello? I’m doing you a favor by driving to the airport and picking you up in the first place. Why are you getting upset over waiting 10 minutes longer than you wanted when people sometimes wait HOURS to be picked up at the airport?”

Eventually, we had a little back and forth about it but I was just sick of arguing over something so small (to me) and I wanted to just agree to disagree (and my wife was also sick of talking to me of I wasn’t going to apologize) so I went to sleep.

Am I the a**hole? I feel like this isn’t an “apology worthy” event. You can’t just land almost an hour early and expect your driver (even if they’re your husband) to drop EVERYTHING they’re doing and come pick you up immediately, right?”

And here’s what people said about this on Reddit.

This reader talked about why they think this guy acted like an a**hole.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person had a lot of thoughts about what went on here.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said this guy is an a**hole and he knew what was going on here.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Sounds like first world problems to me!

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