
He Won’t Let His Sister-In-Law Hold His Baby. Is He a Jerk?

AITA Hold That Baby Law He Won’t Let His Sister In Law Hold His Baby. Is He a Jerk?

You want to hold this baby?


Forget about it!

Uh oh…those sound like fightin’ words to me.

And this guy wants to know if he’s an a**hole for saying that to his sister-in-law.

Read his story below and see if you think he was out of line.

AITA for not letting my sister in law hold our baby?

“My wife and I just brought home our beautiful baby.

When we got home, I wanted my older son to hold the baby (he is fourteen), but my wife said no. She said she wasn’t comfortable with anyone but us holding the baby yet. I wasn’t happy about this, but I respect that, as a mom, she’s anxious about how vulnerable our baby is. So I let it go.

Yesterday her sister came over and wanted to hold the baby. I said no, that my wife and I aren’t comfortable with anyone but us holding him yet. My wife then said it was fine, that her sister was a special case. I said no, that I wasn’t comfortable with it. Her sister was offended and left.

My wife is angry with me and says I was an a**hole to her sister. I think I am just being consistent. Was I an a**hole to my sister in law?”

Here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.

One person said he’s NTA and he was only standing up for his son.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said his wife is a massive a**hole and he can’t let her create a rift between siblings.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said he’s NTA and he’s going to have a long and unpleasant discussion coming up with his wife.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Fam… gotta be honest here… let the ladies hold the babies.

This guy is gonna get sooooo much grief for this.

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