
People Share the Best Pickup Lines They’ve Ever Heard

ARGreatPickUpLines People Share the Best Pickup Lines They’ve Ever Heard

Are the days of the classic pickup line gone forever?

I sure hope not!

But it seems that with dating apps being all the rage these days, pickup lines just aren’t as commonplace as they once were…

But today we’re gonna go old-school and hear the favorite pickup lines of AskReddit users!

Check out what they had to say.

Very classy.

“When you could still s**ke inside a guy approached me at a diner and asked:

“Are you left handed?”

Me: “No, why?”

Him: “I noticed you smoke with your left hand…and you have a spectacular a**.”

Caught me so off guard and I was amused.”


“A regular at a bar I worked at dropped this gem on a girl:

“I’d buy you a drink but I’d be jealous of the glass”

I groaned so loud she laughed at me and walked away from him.”

At least she laughed.

“My favorite one I overheard a drunk guy at the bar lay on someone:

“Is your name Emerson? ‘Cause Emerson big old ti**ies!”

Definitely got a laugh from the guys. The guy had zero chance anyway, but he did get her to laugh.”

He got game.

“I was at my friend’s house and his 5 year old brother grabbed one of our friends by the hand and asked if he could play her a song on his guitar.

She said yes, he picked up his guitar but stopped just before strumming it, thought for about 30 seconds and said “I don’t know any songs for princesses.”

That little kid had way more game that 19 year old me had.”

Let’s share.

“Once I was at a festival where an org were giving out free condoms at a booth.

One of the ladies are talking to a guy and a girl saying “the condoms are free by the way, take as many as you want… oh but we don’t have unlimited stock so please don’t take more than you need”.

The girl picks up a condom, turns to the guy, and says “wanna share?””

It worked.

“On Halloween a buddy of mine was dressed as a Viking. He asked a girl if she wanted to hear his Viking pickup line.

She said yeah. So he literally picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and said he was taking her back to the boat.

They dated for almost a year.”

Nailed it!

“Went to a restaurant where a girl I knew from high school ended up being our waitress.

Me: What time do you get off?

Her: Around 5 or so

Me: Want to get off again after that?

To my amazement it actually worked.”

Hey o!

“When I was a student at University, I saw a pretty girl eating a particular brand of yogurt at the crowded dining hall before morning classes. I had the same brand of yogurt on my tray.

I asked if I could sit at her table and she nodded. I looked across the table at her and pointed at her yogurt and said with a big schmucky smile “Yoplait or mine?”

It was said with humor and not as a pickup line. I ended up marrying that pretty girl.

Amazing, given the horrible first line.”


“A couple of women yelled to a buddy and I on the street “hey pretty boys, I would pay for you to glaze my doughnut!””

A unique one.

“A guy once said to me in passing, “GIIIIRRRLL, I wanna feed you STEAK and GRAPES!” and I have never forgotten it.”


“We were just joking around over text about some of our classes and she goes, “personally my favorite is anatomy. I’d let you help me study later if you want.”

I replied, “I’d offer to help you with chemistry but I think we’ve already got that one figured out.”

I think we stunned each other into silence.”

Making some notes in my little black book…

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