
People Share Their Best “You Have No Power Here” Stories

ARNoPowerHere People Share Their Best “You Have No Power Here” Stories

Now, this is gonna be fun!

Because you and I both know that seeing people on power trips get put in their places is VERY satisfying.

Check out these “you have no power here” stories that AskReddit users were nice enough to share with us.

Bad manager.

“I used to work for a super bad manager when I worked at McDonalds. This guy was horrible to us.

He was constantly bullying us, s**t talking us TO CUSTOMERS, and doing everything in his power to make us miserable. Well, so many people complained about him that he ended up getting fired.

New manager was great. He was super chill and understanding with us all. A couple weeks after he took over, the old douchebag comes in and starts talking about how terrible the store looks, how our service is sh**tier than ever, and how much this store needs him. The new manager looked at him and said “If you don’t leave, then the cops are gonna make you”

When the do**hebag didn’t move, new awesome manager stuck to his guns and called the cops. The d**chebag is no longer allowed on ANY McDonalds property in the city and has a restraining order against him.”


“The first time I had dinner at my parents house after I got my own apartment. My dad was giving me grief as usual.

Finally, I stood up and said, “ I don’t live here anymore. I don’t have to put up with you this way any longer. I’m going home.”

And walked out.

Most liberating moment of my life.”

You’re fired.

“I work for a trampoline park franchise. We opened a sister location that I ran for about a year and a half before moving back to take over the old location.

When I got back, a lot needed fixing but in particular there were 2 teenage employees that had been fired/suspended on numerous occasions.

They were generally lazy, rude jackas**s that shouldn’t have been hired in the first place. Problem was, they both had aggressive helicopter moms that intimidated the manager into rescinding any punishments.

Once I came back, I took stock of our employees and had a long talk with the entire leadership team. I learned which employees caused which problems, who was unreliable, who had a regular habit of skipping shifts, texting on shift, etc.

I fired about a half dozen that first week, including those two I mentioned. That night, both moms called my personal cell to scream at me (our numbers are listed in the online scheduling tool so employees can find shift covers more easily).

They demanded to know why I fired them, threatened to sue, have me arrested, accused me of discrimination (against their white middle-class sons), etc.

I simply asked, “Is your son over 18? Yes? So you’re demanding I illegally release personal information regarding a former adult employee? Bye”.”


“I’m a high school teacher who teaches a lot of senior grades and so has to deal with graduation grades, references for university, all that jazz.

I had a parent of a graduating kid in my classroom in June (after final marks were given to students but not formally reported) who was a dental surgeon in town, ran a large operation, donated a lot to local sports…big man in a small town.

I had given his kid a mark in the high B range, and so he marched into my office and started off with the “there must be some mistake” line, which moved swiftly into the “you’re going to change it because I tell you too” to “how much will it cost to get him the A”.

When I refused the bribe he went to “you’re FIRED!!!1!1!”. Not “I’m going to get you fired” but “you’re fired, clean out your desk”. I just asked him to leave.

Ended badly, he threatened violence, I reported him to the school admin, he’s now banned from the property.

Mr. “I pay your salary so you work for me you lousy piece of s*it” was threatened with the cops by Mr RandomActPG.”

Back of the line.

“I was waiting for a friend to finish work – she worked at a restaurant so fancy they had someone vetting guests at a podium outside.

The place was glitzy and the folks were glam so the great and good would descend in droves. Those with a reservation were sent in; prosepective walk-ins had to queue.

A car sweeps up, the driver jumps out and holds the door open to unleash a hat and dress. The woman accompanying said finery – a C-list actress from a regional daytime TV show – looked through everyone present and moved to enter.

She froze, appalled, when the guest-vetter intercepted, asking “Do you have a reservation?”

She mustn’t have heard the question because she didn’t respond. Instead she drew herself up to the full height of her couture and demanded “Do you know who I am?”

“Yes” said the maitre d’, “Back of the queue.”



“This is a bit silly, but gave me a great feeling of satisfaction.

Due to the bad economy and poor money management, my parents have moved into the spare room of the house my husband and I bought a year ago. Things are mostly smooth, tho I’m not the closest to them for several reasons I won’t go into here.

The other evening I was out gardening (because it’s hot during the day and we have the luck of having a streetlight right next to our front yard, keeping it pretty well illuminated even after sundown, I mostly garden at night), and I thought I had gotten the hose twisted, as it kept getting stuck.

This went on for a bit, when I realized that it wasn’t stuck, but being pulled. I looked into the dim area just past the illumination of the street light and spied my father, crouched over and tugging the hose. Well I did the only reasonable thing to do, and I sprayed him. He yelled and ran inside with me chasing.

Once he got inside he made a face and goes “You can’t get me now! I’m inside!!” In that father-to-daughter-don’t-you-make-a-mess tone of voice.

I readied my hose, looked him in the eye and said, “It’s my house.” And just f**king let loose with the hose. He was soaked. Worth cleaning up the mess for that moment of true fear in his eyes.”


“Woman complained we wouldn’t fill her clearly fraudulent C2 prescription, brought the brand new store manager back to the pharmacy to “make us fill it.”

“She says you have to fill it.”

“God himself cannot make us fill anything if it fails the checks. No.””

Time to go.

“IT services for a client of mine. They paid for me to come to their office and address a problem. 8 hrs minimum time. The issue was resolved in about 45 minutes, they’d set up something incorrectly and it was pretty obvious once I got into the system.

I was packing up to leave and the client stopped me.

“What are you doing?”

“The system is fixed so I’m headed out back to my office.”

“No, I paid for 8 hours, you’ll do your 8 hours. If I tell you to wash my car for 8 hours that’s what you’ll be doing.”

“Right…so anyway, I’m leaving. I’ll notify the office to send you the invoice and in all likelihood we’ll no longer be working with you and withdrawing your lease on our equipment.”

It’s always nice to knock people back on their heels a little bit, don’t you think?

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