
People Talk About the Jobs That They Have Limitless Respect For

ARJobLimitlessRespect People Talk About the Jobs That They Have Limitless Respect For

There are a lot of professions that I have a ton of respect for: firefighters, police officers, career military folks, teachers, doctors, the list goes on and on.

What about you?

Here’s how AskReddit users answered that question.


“Hospice workers.

My dad has been shifted to hospice care and I couldn’t be more thankful for the sincerely kind support from his case worker and nurses.

They’re all a lovely bunch of people and have treated my dad with the respect that I’d hoped for.”

You better believe it!


When they went on strike in Paris and streets were practically overflowing by the end of the month.

It was downright apocalyptic, it really puts into perspective how much garbage people produce and how much work it takes to clean it up.”

What would we do without them?

“Electrical Lineworkers.

Those men and women go out in the worst temperatures and conditions at any time of night just to get your house it’s power back.”

Back breaking work.

“Agriculture field workers.

I did that work for three months when I was in college. I worked with a crew of Vietnamese refugees who were a hundred times better at the job than I was.

I graduated to being mediocre at the job by the time I left. It is back breaking work and is significantly undervalued in our society.”

Tip your hat to them.

“Social Workers.

Dear god the things they see are soul crushing sometimes and for (often) poor pay and little recognition for their work.

Love them.”

Critical job.

“As a nurse, the hospital housekeepers.

It’s a thankless, underpaid, miserable job, but so critical to patients’ health and well-being.”


“Merchant Seamen.

People who think products simply appear in stores don’t realise that 90% of the worlds traded goods are moved by sea.

It’s a difficult, dangerous and undervalued job and the world economy would collapse should the sea lanes be threatened by conflict or natural disaster.”

Takes a certain kind.

“Sewer workers and sewage treatment plant workers.

They work with/in literal s**t all day long, I don’t even want to think of where we’d be without them.”

So sad.

“The veterinarians who do in home euthanasia. I can’t imagine putting beloved pets down all day, every day.

But giving my doggo the gift of dying in my bed instead of a cold, sterile vet’s office was an unspeakable gift.”

Steady hands.

“Heavy equipment and crane operators.

I have seen people do such delicate and precise things with machinery that I couldn’t do in a lab with tweezers and an eye dropper.”

I love librarians!


A thing to remember right now is that librarians are under attack in some parts of the country. My local library is one of the ones under attack by book banners.

They’ve been publicly called pornographers and have genuinely received threats.”

Saving lives.

“ER docs.

Doctors in general, but ER docs see an impressive amount of idiots and d**nk/high people on a daily basis.

And they still do their job.”



Once in our life, we might need a lawyer, twice maybe, a law enforcer: the police! Thrice & hopefully not, a surgeon.

But every day, at least 3 times, we definitely need the food growers.”

Much respect!

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