
People Talk About the Places That They’ll Never, Ever Go

RedditPlaceYoullNeverGo People Talk About the Places That They’ll Never, Ever Go

I have a nagging suspicion that I’ll never get to…wait for it…Antarctica.

I just don’t think it’s in the cards for me!

But you never know what twists and turns life will take…

Where is one place that you’ll never go?

Check out what AskReddit users had to say about this.

Never going back.


Spent my pre-adolescence there during the previous rule of the junta, when Suu Kyi was in house arrest. I cannot begin to explain the fear that was present in everyday life there then.

My father had to be at Yangon for some pretty run-of-the-mill corporate work and was nonetheless always on alert. As a 10/11/12-year-old, I was not allowed to answer telephones, lest I reveal something that might seem problematic to the administration.

Even in an atmosphere that you were on the brink of rubbing law enforcement the wrong way, my most memorable moments were brushes with the younger adult neighbours in our apartment who were running an illegal computer training centre.

I cannot imagine their lives now, suspended in constant agitation.”

Probably not a good idea.


The US travel advisory for Somalia is one of the more amusing ones, including things like: “have a designated contact for hostage negotiations” and “notify next of kin of your travel plans if a body needs to be sent.””

I’m with you on that one.

“Diving into an underwater cave.

If people want to d** drowning in the dark, more power to them.

Some things are best left unexplored.”

No way.

“Mount Everest.

I understand why some people want to but I even if I had eternal life I can’t imagine wanting to spend any of it climbing a freezing cold mountain just to say I’d been to the highest point on Earth.”

Outer space.

“The moon.

A lot of people dream of going to space but it terrifies me. Just thinking about seeing the earth from space makes me wanna throw up.

My lizard brain wants me to be firmly on the earth.”

Doesn’t seem very interesting.


There’s a certain sort of person that holidays in Dubai.

Not saying they’re wrong to do so, and I hope they enjoy it.

Most people I know who go seem to enjoy it.”

A tough place.

“Gary, Indiana.

The gray skies really match the brown deteriorated buildings.

If you’re lucky, you might even get to meet a m**h head.”

Bad reviews.


I keep seeing it at the top of threads regarding the worst places people have ever been to.”

Probably not.

“Burkina Faso.

Not because I have anything against the place, it just seems like a really unlikely location for me to end up.

It’s fun to say, though.”

Hard pass.

“Nashville, I don’t get the hype.

“But it’s a great bar scene”. I don’t feel the need to get on an airplane and book a hotel just to go to bars.

Also, I don’t like country music.”

Safety first.

“I am a gay man. I like to travel with my husband. I will not go anywhere where our life is considered illegal or the culture encourages violence against people like me.

It kind of sucks because I spent time studying Islamic Architecture in college. There are some places I would really like to see in real life, but I don’t want to risk it.

Plus, some of those countries like Iraq and Northern African countries are way too dangerous by default. So, I’m basically stuck with first world countries and definitely not the US southern states right now.

It sucks that I have to be this careful, but I prefer not to be imprisoned, beaten or ki**ed.”

This is why I stay home most of the time.

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