Oh, you already ate off of it once, so what’s the big deal?
That’s what I would have said if I was in this person’s position…but as we all know, everyone is different about this kind of stuff.
So did this person act like an a**hole to their sister?
Take a look at their story and see what you think.
AITA for not giving my sister a clean plate?
“At dinner last night my sister wanted a second helping, so I took her plate and got her one.
She was upset when she saw the plate and asked why I brought her a dirty plate. I said it was her plate that she was just eating off of. She said that was nasty and I should have gotten her a clean one.
I think that since she was the one just eating off of it, it can’t be that dirty. My father said that was indeed ill-mannered, although said she was worse for calling me on it in front of everyone.
I think it’s silly to get a new plate. The only germs on it were her own.”
Take a look at what Reddit users had to say about this.
This reader said they’re NTA and that this is ridiculous.
Another person also said they’re NTA and they don’t get this logic.
And one individual figured out how this might get fixed.
Fam… just clean the plate.