
She’s Uncomfortable With Being Called a Bad Name by Her Boyfriend’s Friend. Is She Wrong?

AITABoyfriendsFriend She’s Uncomfortable With Being Called a Bad Name by Her Boyfriend’s Friend. Is She Wrong?

Call me crazy, but I think calling someone a “b**ch” is not cool.

At all.

And the woman who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page wants to know if she’s wrong for taking offense to someone calling her that nasty word.

Was she out of line?

Read on to get all the details.

AITA for being uncomfortable with my boyfriend’s friend calling me “b***h”?

“For context, I am a 31F living with my boyfriend “Mike” who is 34. Mike has a friend “Victor” who comes over a lot. Yesterday, Victor came over to watch baseball with Mike.

Victor asked me to pass him a beer so I passed one over but I dropped it. It didn’t crack open or anything, but he said “Nice one, b**ch.” I was honestly shocked and said excuse me? He started laughing and Mike joined in. I was very uncomfortable and genuinely didn’t know what to say. I told Victor that I didn’t appreciate him calling me a b**ch.

He got super defensive and said he was saying it “jokingly”. I said it doesn’t matter how you were trying to say it, I am uncomfortable. He got very huffy and said I was just being “sensitive” and then he said “and you’re probably going to accuse me of being a s**ist now aren’t you. Can’t say anything these days.”

This was wild because A) I didn’t say anything about s**ism and B) What do you mean “can’t say anything”? Can’t call women “b**ches” unsolicited anymore? What even was his point here?

Mike hadn’t said anything during this interaction until I called him out. I asked why he wasn’t defending me and he said “idk babe you’re being a bit dramatic.” At this point I’d had enough so I told them to leave and they went to Victor’s to watch the game. Up until this point I thought I was in the right until Mike texted me angrily.

He said I’d embarrassed him in front of a friend by being so melodramatic and SJW-y. He said Victor didn’t mean any harm, and it was like how my friends call me b**ch lovingly/jokingly. He also said it was uncalled for for me to kick him and Victor out of the house when Mike literally lives there. I said it’s completely different because my friends make sure I’m okay with it and don’t say it in a derogatory manner like Victor did.

Plus, my friends are wonderful women who have supported me for years, not some friend of my boyfriend’s who I barely know. And I was supposed to just let myself be disrespected in my own home? He called me annoying again and then turned notifications off.

He slept over last night (Victor lives alone) and hasn’t come home yet. I think I might be the a**hole because it’s true that my friends call me b**ch, and although it’s different as I said above, it’s possible that it confused Victor and made him think that was ok. I also didn’t mean to make Victor uncomfortable/put him in the hot seat as a guest in my house.


Now check out what Reddit users had to say.

One person said she’s NTA and that she should think about moving out.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that none of what is going on here is okay.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual said there are big red flags flying here.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Imo, folks need to just calm down a bit. Especially around friends.

Chill people!

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