
What Cool but Simple Facts Would Satisfy a Little Kid’s Request for Once Fact Before Bedtime?

ARFactsForKids What Cool but Simple Facts Would Satisfy a Little Kid’s Request for Once Fact Before Bedtime?

If you spend a lot of time around kids, you know that they ask questions…ENDLESS questions.

And if you have a curious kid whose mind you want to blow with a wild fact that will make them speechless, check out what AskReddit users had to say!

All about Venus.

“A day on Venus takes longer to complete than a year on Venus… how?

It simply takes longer for Venus to do one complete rotation around its own axis, than it does for the planet to rotate around the sun.”

The Arctic.

“The name for the Arctic comes from the ancient Greek word for bear – arktos.

Named after one of the constallations Ursa Major (Big Bear) or Ursa Minor (Little Bear), but there are bears living there too.

So basically, the Arctic is called ‘Bear’, and the Antarctic is called ‘Not Bear’.”


“A Siamese cats fur color is dependent on its body temperature.

That’s why the colder areas of the body such as the nose, paws, and tail are darker than the rest.”

Think about that.

“From the time Pluto was discovered until the time it was demoted from planethood, it still hadn’t made one complete revolution around the sun.”

Man’s best friend.

“Dogs can tell when your coming home by how much of your scent is left in the house if you have a daily routine.”

That’s nice.

“In Switzerland, it’s illegal to own just one guinea pig; if you have any, you have to have at least two.

They get lonely!”

Feel free to use all of these.

“The building in the world with the most toilets is Wembley Stadium.

Cows get excited when they solve puzzles.

The filling in a Kit Kat is broken up Kit Kat’s.

One time a guy ate an aeroplane. It took him several years but he did it.

The little jump guinea pigs do when they’re happy is called popcorning.

When a cat walks towards you with its tail up that means it likes you and is excited to see you.

Elephants have a noise that means “there are bees here let’s leave immediately”.

They played golf on the moon one time.”

Good one.

“When a bee is chosen to be the new queen, they are given a special type of honey that completely changes their bodies.

Kind of like how a Pokémon evolves.

Super simplified, but it’s still pretty cool to think about.”

Never gets old.

“This list of what groups of animals are called… ie a group of elephants is a parade, a group of owls is a parliament, a group of wild cats is called a destruction.”

They do taste good, though…

“Lobsters were considered disgusting and low-class food, to the point that feeding them to prisoners too often was considered cruel and unusual punishment.

Also they’re basically just big sea roaches.”


“Rabbits usually sleep during the day, but they often sleep with their eyes open so you can’t tell.

If you look closely, sleeping bunnies don’t twitch their noses.”

You know it.

“One of the founders of a coffee empire was a fan of the book Moby Dick, and wanted to name the company after the story’s fabled ship Pequod, but they settled instead on naming the company after the ships first mate, Starbuck.”

I never knew that about Starbucks!

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